Fellow Update! Cultivating Curiosity: Kris’s Inspiring Journey of Environmental Education at Rabat American School

Our fellow, Kris Sales shares his experiences in our site at Rabat American School, Morocco.

Learn more about Kris Sale’s adventures below! If Kris’ experience piques your interest in becoming a fellow yourself, apply here!

1st month

Why Did You Become a Science Corps Fellow?

  1. An experience abroad in a very different culture. I was ready for a change since my experience had been mainly laboratory evolutionary experiments, and I had spent nearly a decade learning and researching on the same University of East Anglia campus in Norwich (famous, among other things, for strong Colman’s mustard and the comedy character Alan Partridge).
  2. Teaching as a core activity. While there wasn’t an expectation for PhD students to teach, I helped as much as possible. I loved sharing knowledge in classes where I was previously a student (like a Field Ecology course in Ireland) and getting school kids excited about the often astounding field of biology.
  3. Promoting upward social mobility. Only two people in my extended family went to university, and I didn’t know what one was until I was 17. I’m strongly in favor of an inclusive meritocracy and support anything that facilitates this.

How’s the 1st Month Gone?

Kris shares snapshots of RAS’ Teacher induction trainings.
Kris shares snapshots of: Poisonous scorpion (left), Zebra Blue butterfly (mid), and Monarch butterfly in garden (right).

2nd month

Preparation, Presentations, Plants, and Ponds

  • More information about the species on the school’s campus
  • Nature walks
  • Promoting upward social mobility. Only two people in my extended family went to university, and I didn’t know what one was until I was 17. I’m strongly in favor of an inclusive meritocracy and support anything that facilitates this.
  • How do non-animals communicate?
  • Extinctions (especially from climate change)
  • Animal behavior
  • Dealing with online misinformation
  • Cool parasites
  • Fixing the school’s pond
  • Fixing the school’s community garden
Kris giving a lecture talk to RAS staff.
Kris giving a lecture talk to primary school kids.

3rd month

Work: Field Ecology, Evolution, Climate Change, Statistics, and Infographics

Kris shares pictures on: Butterfly field trip net (left), Fieldtrip moth trap (mid), and caught moth during Field Trip (right).

4th month

Holiday: 1,100 km Moroccan Road Trip

Kris shares snapshots of: Middle Altas cedar forest (left) and a view of Rabat sunset (right).

Nurturing Curiosity:

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